Becoming the leader you aspire to be.
I’m Clare, an accredited Executive Coach who works with current and aspiring leaders to help them realise their potential and unlock seemingly intractable problems. Qualified as a coach at Henley Business School I’ve ‘been in your shoes’, through my own extensive experience of leadership and trustee roles. I understand the realities, challenges and rewards these roles can bring, as well as the organisational systems and politics you operate within. And I have the coaching skills to help you draw on your own abilities to meet whatever challenges and opportunities you’re facing.
During these uncertain times the issues you’re facing may feel more complex than ever and the timescales uncertain. Coaching can provide valuable space for reflection, ensuring quality decision-making when it has never been more demanding or more essential.

Clare is an exceptionally effective coach. Her forensic approach to discussion of complex issues and the appropriate, supportive manner in which she challenged my thinking was immensely valuable. I would recommend Clare, without reservation, to any executive seeking the support of a coach.”
Brigadier, HM Army
There are many reasons individuals and organisations come to coaching. What they all share is a desire to achieve results and sustained change. I’ve supported current and aspiring leaders to achieve this lasting change, on a wide variety of issues, for the benefit of themselves and the organisations they work in.